Code of Conduct & School Rules

Our vision statement can be viewed here. To fulfil its vision, every public school is empowered (by section 8 of the South African Schools Act of l996) to draw up a Code of Conduct. The code sets out to explain the rules through which each learner’s rights and corresponding responsibilities are realised. Once formulated, approved and announced, the code has the force of law. The code is currently being revised.


The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to establish a disciplined, safe, and purposeful school environment, dedicated to improving and maintaining the quality of the learning process.


Rights and Responsibilities


For quality learning to take place, certain rights and responsibilities need to be recognised, including the right to:


  • Personal safety and security of property
  • A clean and functional environment
  • Fair treatment
  • Listen and be heard
  • Undisturbed work and access to knowledge, skills, and resources
  • Have progress assessed.


With every right, there is a matching responsibility. To protect the rights of individuals, it is the responsibility of each learner not only to refrain from infringing such rights but to prevent others from doing so.


To foster a conducive learning environment, learners are encouraged to demonstrate maturity and responsibility.

Learners can significantly enhance the learning atmosphere by exemplifying traits such as honesty, diligence, friendliness, punctuality, neatness, and courtesy. Upholding respect for diverse cultures and individual rights is paramount. (Refer to Addendum 1, FHHS Courtesy Regulations, for comprehensive guidelines.) Moreover, all learners are entrusted with the responsibility of safeguarding the rights of their peers.

Adhering to commitments is imperative.

Consistent completion of homework and daily review tasks, along with meeting deadlines, is essential for academic success.

School Rules (Amended October 2013)

These rules are applicable where a learner is on the school premises, at a school function or school activity, or in a public place where he or she is identifiable, or likely to be identified, as a learner of the Fish Hoek High School.

  1. A learner shall not use foul, abusive, racist, sexist or blasphemous language.
  2. A learner shall not assault, threaten, bully, harass, abuse, intimidate, victimise or endanger the life or safety of anyone.
  3. A learner shall not possess any weapon, knife or dangerous object.
  4. A learner shall not smoke (nor have cigarettes and lighters in his possession), use any smoking device (e.g. hookah pipes, electronic cigarettes), use drugs or consume intoxicating liquor, nor may a learner associate himself or herself with any learner smoking, using drugs or consuming liquor as aforesaid. (See Drug & Alcohol Policy)
  5. A learner shall not attend a school function or activity whilst under the influence of drugs or intoxicating liquor.
  6. A learner shall attend school for the whole of the prescribed school hours. In the case of absence a learner shall, on returning to school, furnish the Principal with a written note, signed by his or her parent or guardian, explaining the reason for his or her absence. A medical certificate is required for any absence during examinations and for absence from control tests, orals and other continuous assessment (CASS) work.
  7. A learner may not be absent from a class or leave the school premises during school hours without the permission of the Principal or his or her nominee.
  8. A learner shall not damage, vandalise, deface or soil school property or the property of another.
  9. The personal appearance and dress of a learner whenever travelling to or from any place as a learner of Fish Hoek High School (whether or not that learner is wearing the official school uniform) shall conform to such standards of decency and propriety as are considered adequate and appropriate by the Principal or his or her nominee in charge of the learner at the time.
  10. learners shall at all times wear the full official school uniform as specified by the school Governing Body unless permitted otherwise by the Principal or his or her nominee.
  11. A learner shall not hitchhike on a public road in school uniform.
  12. No notice, banner or communication may be displayed on the premises without the permission of the Principal or his or her nominee.
  13. A learner may not possess or view pornographic or undesirable material.
  14. A learner may not use a cell phone or other electronic device during school hours, except during breaks, without specific instructions from the Principal or his or her nominee. Further, a phone may not be used to video or transmit fights or any other socially unacceptable behaviour.
  15. A learner shall not by way of any conduct or utterance, bring the good name of the school into disrepute.
  16. A learner shall obey, observe and carry out all regulations made and issued by the Principal or his or her nominee, and any instructions or directives given to the learner by an educator.


The Principal may from time to time issue directives, instructions and rulings, collectively called regulations, to ensure the efficient running of the school.  These regulations deal with matters such as procedures for dealing with late-comers, delimiting the bounds of the learners’ movements, maintaining the school uniform, and facilitating the flow of traffic in the buildings and grounds. These regulations include the basic standards of behaviour expected in passages and classrooms, as set out in FHHS Courtesy and the Rules of the Room displayed in all classrooms (see Addenda 1 & 2).


Failure to abide by the school rules and regulations and infringing the rights of others constitutes misconduct.

Penalties for Misconduct

Penalties for misconduct range from verbal warnings and extra work to suspension and suspension pending a decision on expulsion. All consequences must be perceived as fair, reasonable, and consistent. Misconduct can be categorised as follows:

Minor infractions may result in detention or suspended detention, and confiscation. Examples include wearing jewellery or non-uniform items.

Serious violations may lead to multiple detentions (up to two hours per day, every weekday, Saturday afternoon detention), removal from a class, Daily Report, loss of privileges, disqualification from standing for the SRC, letters to parents, parent interviews, counselling, etc. Examples of serious violations include failure to complete homework, disobedience (such as repeated infractions), insolence, abusive behaviour, and unauthorised absence from school.

A learner may not offer or receive outside assistance in tests or examinations or position themselves to give or receive such assistance. Learners may not carry notes or any form of memory aid unless explicitly permitted for that examination. No learner may have a cell phone in their possession during an examination. Additionally, apart from the penalties for serious offences, a learner caught cheating or suspected of cheating in tests or exams may receive a zero for the paper in question.

Very serious offences may result in community service, corrective action as outlined in the Drugs Policy, suspension, or suspension with the possibility of expulsion. Criminal activities may be reported to the SAPS. Defiance of the Code of Conduct, threatening the physical safety of others, any behaviour that disrupts the school’s effective functioning, possession, use, or distribution of unauthorised drugs or alcohol, vandalism, theft, fraud, and plagiarism are all examples of very serious offences. A more detailed list of very serious offences can be found in Addendum 3.

Circumstances covered by this code

This code applies while a learn is in school uniform, participating in an activity sanctioned by the school, or when he/she is in any public place where he/she is likely – by reason of any utterance or conduct on his or her part – to be identified by the public as a learner of the Fish Hoek High School.

Due Process

In all cases of misconduct, learners must be clearly informed of the specific offence committed and the punishment they face.

In the event of learners being charged with a very serious offence, both the learners and the parents / guardians must be informed separately in writing of the charges, the possible consequences of those charges, the date, time and place of a hearing and of the learner’s right to representation at the hearing. The hearing must take place at least 5 days after receipt of the letter unless the learner and parents request it to be brought forward

At the hearing, the rights of the learner and his/ her representative must be made clear to them, including the right of appeal to the Head of the Western Cape Education Department. In the event of a potential expulsion, the final decision to expel shall in any event be taken by that official.


Any amendments, excluding minor additions, to this Code shall become operative after publication by the school Governing Body after due consultation with the SRC, Forum, parents and staff. Minor additions to this code, as visualised in the paragraph “REGULATIONS” above, shall be made by the Principal.

Addendum 1. FHHS Courtesy  Regulations

The following guidelines aim to alleviate stress in our crowded classrooms and passages while imparting essential life skills. Mastery of manners is crucial, ensuring that courteous behaviour becomes second nature and fosters harmonious relationships effortlessly.

  1. Keep left.
  2. Move in a single file.
  3. Maintain a brisk pace and avoid lingering, especially at intersections.
  4. Refrain from running.
  5. Greet everyone, particularly adults, with a smile at minimum.
  6. Refrain from shouting indoors.
  7. While waiting outside a classroom, form a single-file line on the same side as the room, not against the windows.
  8. Follow the order of precedence through doors and at intersections: women, girls, men, boys.
  9. NEVER sit down without invitation upon entering an office or classroom.
  10. ALWAYS stand up when addressed by an adult who is standing or passing by, unless expressly excused from the courtesy.
  11. Use “please” when requesting assistance and “thank you” generously, including upon leaving a classroom after a lesson.
  12. Acknowledge instructions and advice with appropriate responses: “Yes, Ma’am,” “No, Sir,” or “Thank you.”
  13. Respect the personal space of others; maintaining a proper distance demonstrates appropriate boundaries for school or work settings.

Addendum 2. Regulations for classroom behaviour:

The rules of the classroom.


  • greet the teacher;
  • have your books in class;
  • speak one at a time;
  • have a homework diary;
  • wait to be dismissed by the teacher, not the bell;
  • sit still during announcements;
  • use register time constructively
  • let the teacher have the last word.


  • arrive late;
  • chew gum;
  • bring sports equipment to class;
  • use a cell phone, mp3 player etc
  • put your feet on the furniture;
  • deface the furniture or walls;
  • indulge in horseplay;
  • expect to go to your locker;
  • expect to go to the toilet during the lesson.

Addendum 3. Very Serious Offences

The Code of Conduct lists some of the actions that may lead to community service, corrective action as envisaged under the Drugs & Alcohol Policy, suspension, or suspension with a view to expulsion. The list below is not exhaustive – other actions could also be considered very serious.

In addition to the actions named in the school Rules, the following are Very Serious Offences:

  1. Immoral behaviour and profanity.
  2. Possession, use, transmission or visible evidence of narcotic or unauthorised drugs, alcohol or intoxicants of any kind.
  3. Theft or possession of stolen property.
  4. Disrespect, objectionable or threatening behaviour, verbal or physical abuse directed at anyone and including insolence directed at teachers or school employees.
  5. Oppressive behaviour such as rape and gender-based harassment.
  6. Possession or transmission of pornography.
  7. Fraud.
  8. Plagiarism.
  9. Repeated violation of the Code of Conduct.
  10. Falsely identifying oneself.
  11. Conviction for a criminal offence in a court of law.
  12. Dishonesty in tests or examinations.
  13. Recording or publishing pictures or video of antisocial behaviour or publishing material which results in embarrassment or defamation of anyone.
  14. Vandalism.
  15. Gaining or attempting to gain unauthorized access to the school’s computer facilities.