School Fees


When the School was established, the Education Department gave it certain essential facilities. Ground was purchased, a building erected and basic furniture and equipment provided. In fact, the allocation was a generous one, but any additional equipment, the care and maintenance of the school grounds, including the ground staffs’ wages, machinery, fertilizers, computer facilities and support, sports equipment and library books must be provided by the school. The past decade has seen further important and far-reaching changes in the financing of schools. The Education Department is now only responsible for the salaries of the approved staffing complement. Other expenses must be met by the parents, including the salaries of more than a third of the professional and most of the support staff. The introduction of compulsory school fees from 1 May 1992 has made the meeting of these expenses possible. In terms of the SA Schools Act (1996) one of the functions of the School Governing Body is to “determine, charge and enforce the payment of … school fees”. School fees are thus compulsory.

Parental Approval of the Budget

The school fee for each year is determined in October/November, when the budget for the following year is presented for approval by parents and approved by parents.

It is extremely important that all parents attend the budget approval meeting.

Parents will be informed as soon as possible of the new fee.

Facilities for Fee Payment

Our annual school fee for 2025 is R36,000-00 per pupil.

School fees may be paid in one of the following ways:

  1. Annually in advance: A 5% discount will be given if paid by the end of February.
  2. Monthly in advance: Over ten months from 1 February to 1 November.

Preferred method of payment is via EFT into The School’s bank account, the details of which are provided on the school fee statement. The Bursar’s office also has credit card facilities.

Financial Assistance (Parent-funded Exemptions)

State financial assistance is no longer available. Provision is made for partial or total exemption from school fees in the SA School’s Act of 1996. The School Governing Body accepts that all the children of the community should be able to attend school if they meet the admission criteria. The Board will apply the regulations faithfully and provision is made in the School’s budget for these fee exemptions. Please note, however, that the loss of income due to the fee exemptions is borne by the fee-paying parents.

Please fetch a copy of the application form for fee exemption from the Finance Department during February if you need to apply for a reduction.


The School now relies upon fundraising to balance the budget. Please support these efforts in every way you can.

Open Books

The audited accounts of the School are available for perusal by any interested parent. An appointment to do so may be made with the Finance Manager.