Drug & Alcohol Policy and Procedure


Drugs:  A wide variety of substances may be considered to be drugs, including tobacco, e-liquid, alcohol, prescribed and over-the-counter-medicines and prohibited substances such as cannabis, LSD, heroin, cocaine and amphetamines. Even solvents, petrol, adhesives and other chemical agents may be misused to alter bodily or mental functions. The context in which the substance is used determines whether a substance should be considered a drug or not.

Dealing:  Selling, donating, swapping, supplying, distributing, trading or any form of exchange of prescribed medicines and prohibited substances such as cannabis, LSD, heroin, cocaine, amphetamine, MDMA etc. is viewed as dealing.

Screening:  Blood or urine tests conducted under medical supervision.

Position Statement:

We do not condone the inappropriate use of drugs. All members of our school community (learners, parents, staff and governors) should convey this value through their actions and teachings.

In terms of the Code of Conduct, learners are not permitted to:

  • the smoking of tobacco, e-cigarettes and prohibited substances
  • the use of drugs
  • the consumption of alcohol
  • the inappropriate use of medicines
  • the inappropriate use of solvents, inhalants and/or other chemical agents,
  • to be under the influence of alcohol and/or other drugs,
  • the possession of drug-related paraphernalia such as cigarette papers, pipes etc.

Dealing is likewise not permitted.

According to the Code of Conduct the possession of, use of or dealing in drugs is not permitted while a learner is in school uniform, participating in an activity sanctioned by our school or when he/she is in any public place where he/she is likely – because of any utterance or conduct on his or her part – to be identified by the public as a learner of the Fish Hoek High School.

The consequences for breaching the Code of Conduct are set out in the code. In addition to the appropriate punishment, the consequences may include the drawing up of a contract relating to rehabilitation and corrective action between all the parties. Punishment may include suspension or suspension with a view to expulsion.


We strive to serve the learners and community in partnership with the parents/guardians. The approach to drug-related issues is supportive and restorative rather than punitive (without denying the provisions of the Code of Conduct). We recognize that a wide variety of addictive drugs are available in the community and that our learners are exposed to these substances through many channels. Our learners are vulnerable to drug abuse and should be equipped to deal with the problem.

The situation is compounded by the fact that the learners, parents and teachers seldom possess the skills and information required to provide appropriate counsel. We, therefore, accept the challenge of training staff and educating learners and parents to equip the community to deal with the challenge of drug abuse.

Drug dependence is acknowledged to be a primary, chronic and progressive illness. We will therefore attempt to support learners who need help ending their dependence upon drugs and thus protect their school careers. Where the learners and parents do not wish to accept the help offered to them, we will have no choice but to apply the Code of Conduct and take whatever action is deemed necessary, including suspension with a view to expulsion.


We undertake to train teachers and present prevention and information sessions to learners and parents/guardians. Where necessary, outside resources will be employed.


Where a staff member in authority reasonably suspects that a learner has a drug in his or her possession, the learner’s person and locker may be searched by the staff member or an appointed nominee. Such a search should occur in the presence of the learner concerned, a person of the learner’s choice who is readily available as a support, and a second adult witness.


Where a staff member in authority reasonably suspects that a learner is under the influence of a drug, the learner may immediately be sent to an appointed nominee for screening. Learners guilty of smoking offences will also be screened. The intention is to identify a young person who may be moving into addiction, not to victimize learners.

Action by the School

Staff will be selected and trained in handling drug-related cases. Guidelines for investigating such cases are included in the Substance Abuse for Educators (SAFE) manual used by the trained staff, who may call in professional assistance when necessary.

Every case will be dealt with confidentially and in consultation with parents/guardians.

Individual symptoms will not be investigated, but a pattern of indicators will be considered. The indicators may include a decline in schoolwork and achievements, withdrawal from school activities, and changes in attitudes and behaviour. Only rumours that are consistent with other indicators will be investigated.

We may require a contract to be drawn up between the parties, which could include:

  • the treatment options agreed upon by all relevant parties
  • drug testing programme
  • a screening programme
  • an expectation that attitudes, behaviour and achievements will improve
  • that any counsellor, therapist or outside caregiver involved is authorised by the parents/guardian to furnish the school with progress reports
  • provision for the renegotiation of the contract

Such a contract would be broken if the learner and/or parent/guardian take it upon themselves to stop treatment, screening or any other provision of the contract. In the event of breach of contract, the normal disciplinary procedures provided for by the Code of Conduct would apply and the learner might be suspended with a view to expulsion.

A contract might not always be appropriate. We reserve the right to recommend that a learner be transferred elsewhere to complete his or her education if it is in the interest of the learner and/or the school. 


Parents/guardians are responsible for all the costs involved in a drug-related incident, including screening and counselling.


Parents/guardians are required to acknowledge by signature that they have read and understood this Policy when enrolling their children. 

Fish Hoek High School Protects

The above policy has found expression in the “Fish Hoek High School Protects”.

As a school, we are totally committed to continuing to provide our learners with an outstanding
education. To do this we have to protect the environment in which this education takes place.
This implies a zero tolerance approach to drugs.

Zero tolerance means decisive first time intervention that protects the school and comes to
the assistance of any learners that may be involved. The approach must both deter and

Drugs are a curse. Their use and distribution continues to destroy families and whole
communities. We are deeply concerned at the increased availability and the aggressive pedalling
in our community. As teenagers assert their growing individuality they are vulnerable to risky
behaviour and make easy targets. We must be seen to be protecting them decisively and
compassionately. To this end, the governing body and staff of Fish Hoek High School have agreed
to implement a voluntary drug-testing programme called “Fish Hoek High School Protects”.

Vaping amongst teenagers is a global pandemic and the gateway to substance abuse. For this
reason, all our learners who are caught vaping at school will automatically be included into our
drug testing programme.

To this end, we plan to assist our learners to say no to drugs with the knowledge that we will be
testing at school. Hopefully, this will both deter and provide an “escape” when tempted amongst
peers. It is equally to rehabilitate. On a first positive test, there would be no punitive action, only
round table counselling and support together with the family.

The process would be overseen by both a member of the school’s management and pastoral
team. The school will be responsible for the first test, which is a urine test. Should a learner test
positive, subsequent tests as part of a programme would be for the family’s account. Learners
will be notified of their selection on the day of testing and the school will notify the parents the
same day with the results.