The School Day

School Hours:

School hours are from 07:55 to 15:00. All learners are expected to be present and seated in their respective register classes by 08:00. Learners will be marked as late and issued with a demerit (lateness) should they arrive to class after the 08:00 bell.

We follow a Ten Day lesson cycle. Academic lessons conclude by 14:40.

Variations in closing times may occur, such as:

During examinations, school typically closes at 13:00 for non-writers and shortly thereafter for writers, unless there is an afternoon examination.

School usually closes at 11:00 on the last day of term.

Telephones, Cell Phones, Privately Owned Computers, and Other Electronic Devices:

Contacting parents: Calls to cell phones are reserved for emergencies due to cost considerations. The school utilises email, SMSs, WhatsApp, D6, the Edana App, and Facebook for communication.

Learners’ phones & gadgets (headphones etc.): Electronic devices are only permitted during break times and before/after school. Devices must be turned off and kept out of sight during class hours. Misuse, such as recording or transmitting socially unacceptable behaviour, will result in confiscation. Smartphones come with responsibilities, including cyberbullying awareness and privacy considerations.

Cell Phone Policy at Fish Hoek High School:

The policy relates to all electronic devices.

All electronic devices are YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. The school will not liable for any loss, damage or theft thereof. They are banned from use during class times, unless an educator gives you specific permission to do so for educational purposes – this does not include listening to music. If you use your phone or device before or after break times, it may be confiscated and will only be returned after a week – or the payment of a R60 contribution to the School’s Outreach Programme. Further offences will cost you R100.

The school encourages communication via social media groups but be very aware of what is posted and shared by yourself or within class groups. Report anything that is inappropriate and unacceptable in content. Unacceptable posts and bringing the school’s name into disrepute will lead to serious disciplinary consequences.

Public Transport:

The school is a 20-minute walk from Fish Hoek Station, with buses running from surrounding areas. A cycle track is available from Sun Valley to the High School.

Absence From School:

Only family emergencies or medical reasons are accepted as valid reasons for absence. The Absentee Form must be completed online. Medical certificates are required for absences exceeding three days or for missing tests/examinations.

Attendance and punctuality records may impact reports and testimonials.


Learners arriving after 08:00 must obtain a “late slip” from the foyer of the Hepworth Hall. Repeated late arrivals may result in detention or parental involvement.

Medical and Dental Appointments:

Appointments should be scheduled outside school hours whenever possible. When unavoidable during school hours, advance notification to teachers is required.


Parents should inform the school of any permanent or recurring illnesses. Emergency medical services are available if needed.

Change of Address:

Immediate written notification of any address or contact information changes is required.


Effective communication is valued, with the transition to the Edana App for all school communications. Principal’s newsletters are sent via email every two weeks.

Homework, “Prep,” and Daily Review:

All learners must utilise Google Classroom for assignments and homework. It is recommended that learners dedicate the following study hours at home:

– 1½ hours per day for Grades 8 and 9.

– 2 hours per day for Grade 10, increasing to 3 hours for the Matrics.

These hours should encompass not only completing assigned homework but also include time for revision, consolidation, and preparation. Learners should plan their afternoon activities and leisure time accordingly. It’s advisable for all learners to maintain a homework diary to record their tasks. Parents play a crucial role in encouraging consistent study habits and reviewing daily progress.


(Also refer to the Penalties for Misconduct in the Code of Conduct.)

Sidelining (removal from class) is employed when learners disregard warnings or disciplinary measures, especially if their behaviour disrupts the learning environment and infringes on others’ rights to learning. Parents are informed of each instance, and learners may receive detention.

Academic and Behavioural Detention:

Detention classes are scheduled on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday afternoons.

Failure to attend detention results in escalated consequences. Initial defaulting on detention doubles the penalty time, with subsequent defaults leading to Saturday detention. Persistent accumulation of detentions may necessitate a disciplinary hearing by the School Governing Body.

Saturday detention sessions, typically held between 14:00 and 16:00, serve as a severe sanction. Parents are notified in advance if a learner is required to attend. Absence from Saturday detention is viewed seriously, potentially leading to further disciplinary action.

Learners facing two Saturday detentions may be subject to an internal disciplinary interview. Continued lack of improvement could prompt a Disciplinary Hearing by the School Governing Body.

Books & Cases:

While the WCED supplies most textbooks, exercise books and stationery are not provided by the School. However, exercise book orders are facilitated as a service, though the School does not manage a bookroom.

Learners should use a sturdy school case or briefcase for carrying books. Cases or haversacks must not display graffiti.


We discourage learners from bringing such items to school. It’s recommended to mark uniform items and other possessions clearly with the family name.


The School Governing Body offers leased lockers, with details such as contracts, deposits, rental fees, and spare keys provided to learners at the start of each academic year. Deposits are refunded upon clearing the locker at the end of the year.

Physical Education:

Physical Education classes are mandatory as part of Life Orientation to promote physical well-being. Please ensure that your child has the appropriate clothing as per the Uniform Regulations.

Tuck Shop:

The tuck shop is a vital service within the school. Parents are encouraged to volunteer to help keep the tuck shop operational.

Uniform Shop:

Currently, no uniform exchange service is available. However, new uniform items can be purchased at the school’s shop. The shop operates on weekdays from 13:30 to 16:00, with extended hours at the beginning of the year or as notified.

Religious Policy and Devotions:

The school maintains a Christian ethos, reflecting the predominant religion in the Fish Hoek community. While promoting tolerance and respect for all religious beliefs, devotions at assemblies typically follow a non-denominational Christian perspective. Staff and learners from diverse religious backgrounds are encouraged to lead devotions. Parents can request in writing that their children be excused from devotions based on conscience grounds.

Motorcycles and Cars:

Parents allowing their children to drive to school should inform the Principal through a letter, including details such as the vehicle’s registration number. Learners will receive a suitable sticker for display on the vehicle. Permission is contingent upon adhering to road rules, and reckless or illegal driving reports may lead to permission withdrawal.

The Right to Search:

According to the Regulations for Safety at Schools of the SA Schools Act 1996, anyone entering the school’s premises may be subject to a search.


When a learner needs to withdraw from the school, except for Grade 12 learners, a simple form must be completed. This form informs the bursar of the withdrawal, ensures the return of textbooks and equipment on loan, and resolves any outstanding matters. It must be signed by the parent or guardian and several staff members.

Divorce, Separation, and Court Orders:

The school must be promptly notified (via telephone, in writing, and email) of any new court orders or changes to existing court orders regarding custody or access to children.