Assessments & Pass Requirements


Assessment in the GET and FET phases is based upon both examinations and a range of other activities including class and standardized tests, projects, activities and assignments required for the SBA (school based assessment) mark.

Examinations are taken very seriously.  After all, one of the main functions of the School is to prepare the Grade 12s for their final, external examinations. SBA work is also important since failure to complete these activities could lead to pupils being required to spend more time in a grade.  For the Grade 12s, failure to complete the SBA requirements could lead to incomplete results in the external finals, i.e. the WCED does not issue the candidate’s mark for that subject.

Pass Requirements

General Education & Training (GET)

In the CAPS curriculum, learners must meet these minimum standards to progress to the next grade:

– 50% in a Home Language (English)

– 40% in the First Additional Language

– 40% in Mathematics

– 40% in any three other subjects

– 30% in any two other subjects

The final mark comprises 40% from final examinations and 60% from the year’s SBA work.

Further Education & Training (FET)

Although no minimum aggregate is required, a learner must achieve 40% in their Home Language and in two other subjects. At least 30% is required in three of the remaining subjects. Essentially, a learner may fail one subject, provided all SBA work is completed.

The final mark comprises 60% from final examinations and 40% from the year’s SBA work for grades 10 and 11 and  75%: 25% for Grade 12.

Matriculation exemption is now referred to as “admission to a Bachelor’s degree.” The minimum requirement is 50% in any four subjects other than Life Orientation. In practice, competition often leads to higher standards.

Examinations & Tests

Standardised tests replace exams in all grades in the first term. The entire school writes comprehensive papers in the second and fourth terms. Matrics undertake full trial exams in September, while other grades write mini-exams. Matrics begin their final exams in October.


Reports with alpha-numeric BAW (Behaviour, Attitude, Work) ratings are prepared each term and accessible to parents via the Edana app or the Parent Portal of the school administration program, typically on the last day of term.  Ensure receipt of reports and accompanying materials.  Parents’ Evenings are held at the start of the new term, providing opportunities to meet staff and discuss your child.